27 July 2024

Not My Grandfather's Tools

My IndieWeb Carnival contribution for July 2024

My maternal grandfather was a carpenter. Every time I visited his atelier, welcomed by the sweet smell of sawdust, I was amazed by all his tools, from the huge and very dangerous table saws to the many different types of hammers, screwdrivers, etcetera.
Similarly, I remember looking at my father’s three-level portable toolbox and wondering about its several variations on pliers and wrenches and the many drill bits for wood and metal.
It would be logical to think that I have followed one path or the other, and that, as an adult, I have developed a fervent DIY passion and own lots of different tools. That’s not the case.

23 July 2024

Weekly visions - week 28, 2024

Is one expected to watch more or fewer films while on holiday?

The poster for Osgood Perkin’s Longlegs
Since it’s July and the Summer holidays will come much later, I took a week off to decompress a bit from work. I had to honour a couple of non-work commitments, but I also managed to squeeze in a few days in London (more on those, probably, later). The intake of films was quite steady anyway…

21 July 2024

Two unexpected horror connections

Intersections between horror films and real life

Peter Doig’s Echo Lake at Tate Britain
Just a quick post to document two horror-related connections I came across last week.

15 July 2024

Weekly visions - week 27, 2024

Where we dangerously venture into kiri-kiri-kiri territory

The poster for the film-of-the-week - *Martyrs* by Pascal Laugier

These past weeks I have often used the guidance of Scott Derrickson’s top 100 horror list external link to Letterboxd Created with Sketch. to choose my cinematic entertainment. At this point, the films included in it that I haven’t watched yet belong to one of these three categories - films that I just can’t find on streaming, classic movies from the ’60s and earlier (which - with exceptions - I don’t find very interesting), and films that are notoriously difficult to watch (which require the right mood).

08 July 2024

Updates to this site

Getting to know Hugo better

In the past few days I’ve applied some changes to this website - are they improvements? I’d say so, but it’s a matter of taste, I guess.

04 July 2024

Weekly visions - week 26, 2024

An unintended Mike-Flanagan-adjacent week

The poster for Ti West’s 2009 film *House of the Devil*
This week most of Europe was busy watching the UEFA football championship; I’ve tried too, but I haven’t been able to watch more than twenty minutes of a match without questioning what the point is in spending time watching such a widely accepted non-violent form of Nationalism. But then, millions of football fans could ask me what is the point of spending time watching a reasonably widely accepted non-violent form of violent acts simulation? To each their own…