Two unexpected horror connections
Intersections between horror films and real life
Intersections between horror films and real life
Where we dangerously venture into kiri-kiri-kiri territory
These past weeks I have often used the guidance of Scott Derrickson’s top 100 horror list
to choose my cinematic entertainment. At this point, the films included in it that I haven’t watched yet belong to one of these three categories - films that I just can’t find on streaming, classic movies from the ’60s and earlier (which - with exceptions - I don’t find very interesting), and films that are notoriously difficult to watch (which require the right mood).
Getting to know Hugo better
An unintended Mike-Flanagan-adjacent week
My contribution to June 2024 IndieWeb Carnival
Writing on a pre-defined theme has never been my cup of tea. Even at school, writing an essay meant facing an hour of total lack of inspiration, and coming up with something - in readable handwriting - in the half hour or so left.
This is what the IndieWeb Carnival
reminds me of. I have waited for the good part of June to even begin to write, and I have five days left before the deadline (though Andrei
- the host for this month - has kindly extended the deadline by a couple of days).
What’s it all about, Paolo?