I have a lot of feeds in my feedreader. Here are the ones whose updates I’m most eager to read, loosely ordered from the ones that I find most inspiring, continuing through the most personal ones and to the topic-specific and professional feeds.
All sources are in English, except where explicitly flagged. Always a work in progress, by definition.
- Go With The Flow - I met Andrea Contino at the time of FriendFeed, and his blog is one I’ve kept following for years. Now he’s living the ‘American Dream’, and documenting his new life. His writing has been one of the inspirations for me to return to personal blogging. Older posts are in Italian, but lately he has started blogging in English.
- Manuel Moreale - Manuel ‘Manu’ Moreale is a fervent proponent of the return to a small/personal web (so much so that his ’thoughts’ convinced me to open this blog), the co-creator of The Forest and the creator and curator of the People and Blogs project, showcasing every Friday a blog and its author. Based in Italy.
- Puntarelle - Giorgia Meschini’s playful writing was one of the models for me when I started blogging in 2002. Today, she writes this newsletter in English about life in Rome.
- Brandon’s Journal - When I see Brandon has published a new post, I know I’ll read something that resonates with me, despite our differences in age and geography. From the US, North Carolina.
- James’ Coffee Blog - James is an expert developer who alternates technical posts with immersive descriptions of moments in his life. From Scotland.
- Robb Knight - Robb writes mostly about technology and develops web projects for everybody to use. He’s also the creator of EchoFeed, which I use for sending new posts to social platforms.
- Untitled - I find Michal Zelazny’s thoughtful posts open, sincere, and very inspiring.
- 82MHz - Andreas writes about technology and life in general. I identify with his struggle to keep a bi-lingual blog going (I have given up on my Italian section since).
- Birchtree - Matt Birchler writes about primarily about technology, media and US society.
- Noisy Deadlines - Week Notes, a reading log, and more from Ariadne, ‘A Brazilian-Canadian who loves winter’.
- Kwon.nyc - Notes from Rachel, who lives in Brooklyn.
- LinkMachineGo.com - Links and short comments by Darren, about comics and many other topics.
- Silvia Maggi - Silvia, an Italian in Cambridge, publishes a design newsletter: Design, digested.
- starbreaker.org - The personal blog of writer and programmer Matthew Graybosch
- The Jolly Teapot - Apple and general tech commentary by Nicolas Magand, from France.
- This day’s portion - Leon writes about the Web and UK politics. And also about The Fall, but I don’t know what he means by that 😅.
- Manton Reece - A microblog from the founder of Micro.blog.
- Stat Significant - Daniel Parris from the US publishes weekly statistical analyses about media, films and popular culture.
- The Plot - A newsletter about data visualisation, written in Paris by Evelina Judeikyte.
- Can’t Get Much Higher - Chris Dalla Riva’s newsletter about the music industry.
- Did Someone Say Emoji? - A light newsletter on Emoji by Jennifer Daniel, Chair of the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee.
- A Year in the Country - A great resource exploring the themes of Folk Horror and Hauntology, founded and run by Stephen Prince.
- anhvn - Anh’s weeknotes, media diary and garden, with a beautiful home page. Canada-based.
- Webcurios - Matt prepares (almost) every week a list of links that he found interesting, and that, it turns out, I also find interesting. And he puts a lot of work in that.
- Messy Nessy - Living in Paris, Vanessa ‘Messy Nessy’ writes about her city, arts, and 13 things she finds on the Internet every week.
- Baldur Bjarnason - One of my favourite tech commentators. From Iceland.
- Pixel Envy - Another well regarded technology blog, by Nick Heer, from Calgary.
- Ian Betteridge - ‘Ian Betteridge writes about technology, media and whatever else he wants to’, and I like his style a lot.
- Ed Zitron’s Where’s Your Ed At - Ed Zitron’s insightful newsletter on technology. From Nevada.
- FX Rant - A really interesting blog on FX by Todd Vaziri, visual effects artist and supervisor at Industrial Light & Magic.
- Ken Segall - Ken Segall, copywriter and ‘Steve Jobs’ ad guy for 12 years’, comments on Apple’s recent promotional strategies.